Friday 11 March 2011

iOS 4.3 Gets the Jailbreak Treatment

Well folks, it didn't take long for iOS 4.3 to be officially jailbroken. Just about 24 hours after being released, iOS hacker i0n1c apparently successfully jailbroke an iPad running iOS 4.3. The video below shows what seems to be an iPad iOS 4.3 launching Cydia.
This jailbreak is also supposed to be untethered (hassle free)…
So far this video doesn't prove much though. The iOS version in the could easily be faked and all this could just be an attempt at getting attention. i0n1c didn't make any comment about it and we have no indication he might release his jailbreak (again, is this the proof this video is a fake?).
Maybe I'm just too skeptical. What do you think? Real? Fake?

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