Sunday, 13 March 2011

iPhone Clock Bug Resurfaces With Daylight Savings Time Glitch

The iPhone's internal clock has been notorious for having glitches with Daylight Savings Time. This morning (2 A.M.) marked the Daylight Savings Time "spring forward" of one hour, and there have been numerous reports of the iPhone's clock falling back an hour instead of falling forward.

Complaints starting streaming in via Twitter this morning from users who were not woken up properly by their iPhone's alarm. While complaints vary, the general consensus seems to be that the iPhone's clock fell back an hour at midnight instead of falling forward…

While this glitch has not affected most iPhones, it seems that the glitch is prevalent on multiple networks and iPhone models. iPhones on AT&T, Verizon, and Rogers have all been confirmed as having experienced this iOS glitch with Daylight Savings Time.

There is currently no information as to if this glitch is time-zone specific or not, and the symptoms of the glitch seem to be equally as varied.

This is not the first time the iPhone's internal clock has had a problem with DST. The last bug reversed the current situation by pushing the iPhone's clock an hour forward instead of falling back. The iOS alarm clock app also experienced a pretty nasty bug last New Year's Eve.

If your iPhone's clock is still not correct, a restart should fix the problem and reset the clock to the appropriate time.

Let us know if you've experienced this problem with your iPhone's clock this morning. We'll keep you updated as this story develops.

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