Thursday, 10 March 2011

Tutorial: How to Jailbreak iPhone iOS 4 With PwnageTool

PwnageTool Pwn Apple
The Dev Team just released the latest version of PwnageTool to jailbreak iOS 4. There are many requirements that your iPhone must fulfill in order to be jailbreakable with PwnageTool and you should make sure to Read This before going ahead with the jailbreak process.
Let me make this clear, Read This before going any further in the jailbreak process. Your iPhone might not be eligible for a jailbreak.
Now that we have the "warning" out of the way, jailbreaking your iPhone iOS 4 with PwnageTool is fairly easy and straightforward. PwnageTool is a Mac only tool that is used to jailbreak while preserving the baseband to make sure you can unlock if necessary at a further date.
This step by step guide and tutorial will show you how to jailbreak your iPhone iOS 4 using PwnageTool.
Step 1: Download the latest version of PwnageTool from our iPhone downloads section. You will need a torrent downloader (ie. uTorrent) to download the file.

Step 2:
 Make sure iTunes is up to date (currently version 9.2). If not, update iTunes and reboot your computer.

Step 3:
 Sync and backup your iPhone in iTunes.

Step 4:
 Download the latest iOS 4 firmware for your specific device.

Step 5:
 Launch PwnageTool and select your iPhone.

Step 6:
 PwnageTool will automatically detect your firmware. Click on the blue arrow to continue.

Step 7:
 PwnageTool will now ask if you have an iPhone contract that you would normally activate with iTunes. Choose YES if you have a contract with an official carrier (ie. AT&T in the US) and you don't care about unlocking your device. Click NO if you don't have a contract with an official carrier and want to unlock your iPhone.

Step 8:
 PwnageTool will now create the custom IPSW.

Step 9:
 When done, you will see the "iHaz success" message.

Step 10:
 Now that you have your custom cooked firmware, you need to install this firmware on your iPhone. To do so, plug your iPhone in iTunes. Once iTunes has recognized your iPhone, hold the "Alt/Option" key and click "Restore" at the same time. DO NOT click "Restore" without holding the "Alt/Option" key! A dialog box will pop up and you'll be able to choose the custom IPSW file you created.

Step 11:
 PwnageTool will now install your cooked iOS 4 firmware on your iPhone. This process might take a few minutes so be patient. When done, your iPhone will reboot.
You're done!

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